Dance With Me

Many of us are simultaneously experiencing profound certainty and uncertainty. In our often black-and-white world, COVID19 has forced us to dance together in the gray.

Feeling like you have two left feet? As we dance this new tango of COVID19 life--with all its boldness and drama--here are two things I offer you to dance it with grace. Or, in the words of Will Smith in the movie Hitch, to "keep it in the box" at the very least...

Look To Powerful Questions, Not Easy Answers

Navigating new questions and big decisions in this uncharted territory, the answers we turned to just a few weeks ago don't necessarily feel like the right fit anymore. As you recalibrate your problem-solving mindset, try turning first to questions as you seek answers. Here are three simple (but powerful) questions you can ask yourself to find true north in any situation:

  1. Am I controlling for what I can control for?

  2. What's important to me right now?

  3. How am I living my values?

Burnout & Taking Good Care

As we dance in the gray, I'm seeing a new move I'm calling the "The COVID19 Hustle." While I’m inspired watching individuals and organizations rise to the challenge of COVID19, I'm also concerned about burnout en masse.

Whether you're an entrepreneur or a corporate leader, a working parent or living alone, one thing is universal: stress levels are running high. Here are my six practical tips for taking care of yourself and preventing COVID19-related burnout, Effective Self Care in a COVID19 World.

If you're a parent, I hope you'll find comfort and community in my Open Letter to Working Moms. Bottom line: you are not alone right now.

Wishing you, your families, and your teams good health,


The above has been adapted from the Something Major April Newsletter. You can sign up here. Randi Braun is a coach, consultant, speaker, and the Founder of Something Major. Get in touch with Randi via email or social (below). Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

Randi Braun